Evidence Based Investing

We offer a transparent approach backed by decades of research. Markets go up and they go down. If you have a goal, a plan and a portfolio backed by evidence you’ve taken care of what you can control.

Investors have long been told they need to be smarter than the market. That they need to pick the right stocks, or find a manager who can successfully do it for them.

For many potential investors, this belief makes the investment landscape appear complex and daunting.

Which stocks should they pick? Which managers should they choose and why?

An investor who doesn’t have a solid investment philosophy to back their decisions can find themselves in rough water very quickly.

New financial products and ‘hot stocks’ are regularly pushed by salespeople and marketing outfits, without regard to personal circumstances. The investment media is little better. Repeatedly peddling stories to investors about where the market will go next, despite them not having a crystal ball. Then there are the outright frauds and scams that investors thought they were protected against.

While this sounds discouraging, the investment world is really quite simple if you stick to some simple principles.

Evidence is the basis for everything we do. It’s why we use an evidence based investment philosophy. We acknowledge markets are unpredictable, but their rewards can be captured if you have a goal and maintain discipline.

At Lettin Wealth we don’t take unnecessary risks and we don’t adopt unproven strategies – we rely on evidence by focusing on what drives investment returns.

It is possible to have a successful investment experience if we acknowledge some simple investment truths.

When investing for clients we have a starting five that we rely on:

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